Purpose of India Club

India club was formed with the objective to provide an opportunity for Indo Canadians to do charitable work for the Canadian community, organize cultural events for occasions like Holi and Diwali, and create opportunities for young people to meet at picnics, parties etc.

To arrange and conduct public lectures symposia and such other intellectual activities

To provide for and give instructions in music, singing, physical culture and other subjects tending to advance these objects of the club

To sponsor literary, musical and other cultural events, concerts, plays, theatre, cinema and Indian national festivals

To undertake such activities as well provide suitable Indian cultural environment for children by establishing schools of Indian languages, courses of education, courses of information in citizenship, libraries and reading- rooms
To undertake and execute any trusts which may be conducive to any of these objects, and in particular to establish, undertake, superintend and administer a fund for scholarship for the purpose of assisting persons from India and Canada in such manners as the club may determine

Friday, January 24, 2014

India Club 
Academic Achievement Awards (2013)

India Club invites applications from Indo-Canadian Youth for awards in academic or athletic excellence

A large number of Indo-Canadian youths excel in academics as well as in sports. The Academic Achievement Awards and Sports Achievement Awards highlight the pride of the Indo-Canadian community in their dedication, hard work, and success. At the same time, the awards are seen as a step toward raising academic and sports awareness amongst the upcoming younger generation. We strongly believe that the publicity and recognition associated with these awards will inspire younger students to excel in academic and sports careers in the years to come.

India Club is a Non-Profit organization based in the lower mainland. For more than 29 years, India Club has been providing merit scholarships at UBC, SFU, Langara College and local high schools. It also raises funds for Operation Eyesight Universal as well as other benevolent causes.

Academic Achievement Awards:
Minimum three awards of $500 each will be given to 2013 grade 12  Indo-Canadians.

Deadline for Applications: Saturday, March 01, 2014

  For application forms and more information, please contact:

- Mr. Mahendra Kwatra (Past President India Club & Chair person}                   (604) 324-8212                     
- Dr. Satya Varshney (Acting President India Club & Co-Chair Person}             (604) 767-2015
- Mr. Vijay Verma (Past President India Club & Scholarship Committee)           (604) 738-1769
- Mr. Arvind Thakore (Past President India Club & Scholarship committee)       (604) 925-0976
                Awards presentation date will be April, 2014
(Winners will be contacted for exact date, time and place of the awards ceremony). 

Please send completed application to:
Mr. Mahendra Kwatra
5366 Ross Street
Vancouver, BC V5W 3K9   or 

- The decision of the Awards Committee will be final and binding.
- Application forms are also available on the website: http://indiaclubbc.blogspot.com/

India Club Academic Achievement Awards 
Application Form for 2013 Awards
Deadline to receive application is Saturday, March 01, 2014

Parents, relatives and friends of Indo-Canadian youth may apply on behalf of student.

Applicant’s Name:

Parent’s Name:

Home Address:


Postal Code:



School name, address and phone number and dates attended in the past four- (4) years:


Name and phone number of the Principal of the Graduating School:

Please attach the following documents to your application:
  1. A write-up of a maximum of 500 words, along with documentation and letters to support why you think the Academic Achievement award should be awarded to you (the applicant).

  1. A copy of the  2013 official statement with SMS score in Grade 12 Provincial Examination provided by the Ministry of Education (for academic awards only). India Club reserves the right to confirm the validity of these documents.

  1. Documentation and relevant information including upto a maximum of three confidential letters of reference supporting your application for the award.
For more information, please contact:
- Mr. Mahendra Kwatra (Past President India Club & Chair person}                   (604) 324-8212                     
- Dr. Satya Varshney (Acting President India Club & Co-Chair Person}             (604) 767-2015
- Mr. Vijay Verma (Past President India Club & Scholarship Committee)           (604) 738-1769
- Mr. Arvind Thakore (Past President India Club & Scholarship committee)       (604) 925-0976

Send completed application to: 
Mr. Mahendra Kwatra
5366 Ross Street
Vancouver, BC V5W 3K9 or 
Email to : mpkwatra@gmail.com 

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